Friday, February 23, 2018

Wow (Times Two)

Wow! High school students all over the nation are realizing that way too much of their so-called elected representation are whores more interested in amassing campaign financing than acting in the best interests of the electorate. 

These enlightened students are acting en masse to demand change that, well, shouldn't have to be demanded. This has the smell, the feel of the early days of the Vietnam war protests, with a bottom-up, groundswell dynamic influencing and galvanizing public opinion.

I am so freaking impressed by these students collectively raising their voice and shaming our so-called leadership into doing what should have been done such a very, very long time ago. God bless them and their hope and their optimism and their belief and above all, their don't-tell-me-it-can't-be-done-until-I've-already-done-it conviction.

To say it is heartening and refreshing is woefully inadequate.

I'll see you in the streets March 24—if not sooner.

Wow. Hearing conservative's response to a growing call for meaningful gun reform is certainly sobering. The collective and willful denial they display in the face of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary is jaw-dropping.

Funny how when Republicans are called upon to share their perspective on our gun problem, it invariably comes down to the fact that there aren't enough. We. Need. More. Guns.

Does 'stupid' have a more luminous definition?

Then there's the unnamed citizen who appeared on the NBC network news not so long ago, complaining that by demanding a ban on assault weapons, we are 'scapegoating' the AR-15.

Yeah. Imagine that, dude.

Just like we scapegoat drunk driving, terrorism, SIDS and opioids.

Go figure.

A famous comedian once said you can't fix stupid. Which is undeniably true.

At least its parents can be neutered.

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