Friday, April 17, 2020

Now? Really?

With one-hundred percent of Americans tested, an effective anti-dote now available and new cases shrinking to numbers barely visible with the naked eye, The Great Man is pushing hard for us to jump into our cars, hop on our trains and ride our buses back to work.


Aided and abetted by the same noisy, mentally-challenged folk who put him in the White House (who are actually protesting the measures being taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus and, by extension, themselves) Trump adopted a softer tone at today's (cough) news briefing.

But given his abject fear of a campaign-crashing recession, you have to know he'll be working tirelessly behind the scenes, twisting arms and making threats. It must be remembered: Donald loves power even more than he loves money and celebrity. He will stop at nothing to quench his thirst.

(Personally, I'm just sorry there wasn't a camera pointed at his crotch as he riffed on the limitless power of the president earlier this week.)

Almost as bad are those of us moaning about being bored, pandemic or not. Yes, pandemics suck. I'm sorry. But your boredom is the price we have to pay. Besides, you were never promised that life would be a stream of unlimited, twenty-four seven entertainment. Deal with it.

Can we agree the ADHD among us should never, ever make this decision?

We know so little about the Coronavirus. Can't we at least develop a vaccine before we resume stuffing our offices and our transportation networks? Or test more than one-percent of the population before having factory workers return to working side by side on the nation's assembly lines?

How about waiting until N95 surgical masks return to their pre-pandemeic prices before we send workers back cutting meat and processing our fruit and vegetables? Is waiting for hand sanitizer to make a return to grocery store shelves asking too much?

In an administration fraught with stupidity, recklessness and selfishness, this is Trump at his most-stupid, most-reckless and most-selfish. The well-being of America's citizenry should be treated like a star athlete and not be returned to action until all concerned are absolutely sure they are ready.

Which isn't now.

To outraged conservatives, I say this: we need to clench. We need to stay calm and understand this thing, eradicate it and make sure we're much-better prepared the next time a virus emerges.

Given our level of unpreparedness and the unwillingness of so many of us to shelter in place because it's inconvenient and worse—boring—we need to step it up. Big time. This ain't no game.

I want to live. And I want you to live. And if Trump doesn't win re-election, life will go on.

I promise.

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