Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How Functional Societies Do Gun Control

Apologies, all. I'm using this post to try and sort out something I don't understand. It's kind of a stream-of-consciousness thing that will hopefully yield an answer. So bear with me as I write myself to clarity!

On the night of April 18th, a domestic dispute in a small town in Nova Scotia spiraled wildly out of control when a man attempted to kill his longtime girlfriend. She escaped, but the gunman killed two other people on the property.

Afterwards, he roamed through the region in a car made to approximate the appearance of a police cruiser. He used it to pull over motorists at random and execute them.

After a collision disabled the faux police car, he stole another vehicle and continued his rampage. By the time the gunman was fatally shot by police he had murdered twenty-two people and set fire to numerous cars and buildings.

Now, this is where I get confused. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, announced Friday that effective immediately, it is unlawful to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in Canada.

I mean, how can he just do that? Isn't he afraid of blow-back from Canada's law-abiding gun-owners? Isn't he worried about being castigated by those members of Canada's parliament whose campaigns are financed by the gun lobby?

And what of the NRA? When are those sorry-ass paranoids going to insert themselves into the conversation and howl until Trudeau reverses his order?

Wait. The NRA doesn't exist in Canada.

Holy crap, Batman!

So that means when a gun with no reason for existing beyond the confines of a battlefield does, and is used for the wholesale murder of innocent citizens, people who value other people's lives can simply outlaw that weapon for the betterment of society at large!

This as opposed to struggling with a noxious and corrupt trade association masquerading as a gun safety group.

How radical.

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