Monday, January 4, 2021

I Can Break the Vaccine Logjam!

 After hearing Trump's phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger plainly seeking to badger/guilt/manipulate Raffensperger into cooking the books of the 2020 election in Trump's favor, I have had it.

I ask you: has there ever been a more heinous, more corrupt jackal in public office? And is it asking too much that he is soon to receive the Benito Mussolini treatment not too long after leaving office, if not before?

Sadly, it seems my New Year's Eve wish has one exception: Donald J. Trump. But I'm forgiving his zombies—for the most part. Read on...

Amazing, isn't it? But yeah, I can. Here's the deal: if you voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, you go to the end of the line.

By casting your vote for Crazy Don, you have endorsed this medical cataclysm which has placed tens of millions of lives at risk, and I see no reason whatsoever why you should benefit alongside those who sought order over chaos; leadership over sedition and fraud.

It is you who swallowed President Petulant's every word and obeyed his every wish. It is you who denied the existence of COVID-19 and belittled those who believed differently. It is you who stridently protested common-sense public health measures meant to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and fought tooth and nail to have them overturned.

(In addition to ignoring them.)

It is you who, like your president, whined and cried without end. It is you who raised the game of victimhood to new heights, claiming that wearing a cloth mask over your nose and mouth amounted to tyranny.

It is you who, like your president, enabled the spread of COVID-19 via your teenaged sense of immortality and now want to partake in a cure.

To which I politely respond “Fuck you.”

It is entirely unsurprising that we fell short of the twenty million vaccinations promised by Vice-President Pence. It is entirely unsurprising that the distribution lags far behind what was promised.

We have only to look at the captain of the ship.

To paraphrase your local stock broker, this is a case where past performance is indicative of future results. Unless it benefited the one-percent and their businesses, is there anything Donald J. Trump didn't fuck up?

Like the trolls you are, you need to follow your leader. This isn't the time to discover your sense of free will and think for yourself. There is no virus, remember? Hence no need for inoculation.

I'd like you to show us snowflakes one more time how indomitable you are. I'd like you to show us your fiery defiance in the face of, well, everything. You can't talk the talk if you won't walk the walk.

C'mon—just one more show. Isn't it better to risk sickness and even death as a true blue Trumper than to live in shame as a RINO?

I thought so.

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