Friday, July 20, 2018

Scarlett Johansson and 'Rub & Tug'

As someone who occasionally suffers from LGBT fatigue, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the LGBT community could be as narrow-minded and prejudiced as the people they purport to abhor.

Which is, apparently, anyone who isn't LGBT.

I speak of the forced removal of Scarlett Johansson from the upcoming movie Rub & Tug, in which she was to play a transgendered man.

The outrage directed at her ignores the fact that she didn't create this role, cast herself and build the movie from there. No. She was hired. Hired by the people who finance movies. But the LGBT trolls ignored that. They went after Johansson as if she were Mike Pence. 

It is my fervent hope that one day they can devote some of their screen time to learning the difference. 

By all accounts, Scarlett Johansson is an okay person. Lost in the overheated and reactionary social media outrage was that she wanted to tell this story. Face it, people. Rub & Tug stands little chance of ever being a Hollywood blockbuster. But you are aware that Johansson signed on anyway, right?

As I understand them, the tenets of the LGBT community are centered around the belief that no one should be prejudged and constrained by preconceptions and gender and sexual orientation as to what they are capable of and the opportunities that should be available to them.

Unless they're a heterosexual female.

Did I get that correct?

Scarlett Johansson, you have exhibited grace in graceless circumstances. And to the hypocrites within the LGBT community who demanded your ouster, live by the sword, die by the sword.

Hopefully, this will be your life-changing, teachable moment.

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